Gemini Canada
About Gemini Canada
Gemini Canada is one of the many Gemini Inc. locations across North America.
From our campus, located north of Toronto, Ontario, we are pleased to offer custom signage solutions as well as be a point of distribution for sign supply products such as GemTrim, Pronto, and Duets. In addition to Gemini Canada, Gemini has a series of trusted distribution partners around the world to ensure that the sign supplies you need are available near you.
Contact us today to learn more about Gemini Canada’s offerings, request a quote, or place an order.

Contact Us
Phone: 800.265.0426
Monday–Friday: 7 a.m.– 8 p.m. (Eastern)
Saturday: 9 a.m.–1 p.m. (Eastern)
Gemini offre un service bilingue à la clientèle. Pour ce service, veuillez nous contacter au 1.800.265.0426 ou à et vous serez dirigé vers un représentant. Live chat is also available via the Gemini Partner Portal.
located outside of Canada?
For custom signage solutions, connect with our United States locations by calling 800.538.8377 or visiting our support page. For sign supplies, visit our sign supply distributor page to find a distributor near you.